Søren Madsen om Icehorse Festival og stævnesæsonen 2018
Hvordan har du trænet frem mod Icehorse Festival 2018? Jeg har selvfølgelig trænet i vinter, men de sidste fem dage op til har jeg ligget syg med en meget slem mandeinfluenza, så forberedelsen har da ikke været helt optimal, men der ligger selvfølgelig mange timers...
Results Equinordic V.2 Final
Today there is one final after the other and of course there are as many winners. The next winner in the Equinordic V.2 class is Anne Stine Haugen with her horse Draumur fra Høje Sandbjerggård and a score of 6,83. And of course there are also again junior and young...
Icehorse Lottery
During the lunchbreak the lucky winners of the Icehorse audience lottery were drawn and most of the prices have already been collected by their new owners. The following prices can still be picked up at the Icehorse information booth. Please check, if your ticket has...