Icehorse Festival

20. - 23. Marts 2025


Fire dages fest for den islandske hest!


ICEHORSE FESTIVAL er det største indendørs WRL-stævne for islandsheste i verden. Mere end 280 ryttere vil konkurrere i både sport A og sport B klasser i de 4 dage af fejringen af den islandske hest i Messecenter Herning, Danmark. I det gigantiske udstillings område finder du et stort udvalg af udstillere og alle former for udstyr til din hest og dig. Du vil blive underholdt af forskellige show og Futurity klasserne for unge talenter. Du får en masse ny viden med DI Talks, som er også inkluderet i biletten. Det er en weekend fuld af spænding, store oplevelser, inspiration, shopping og heste, heste, heste – så kom og nyd hvert sekund!

  • Mere end 250 islandske heste!
  • Internationale ryttere
  • Sport A-og B-klasser
  • Shopping, shopping, shopping
  • Underholdning
  • Futurity klasser for unge talenter
  • Interessante foredrag – DI Talks

Festivalen finder sted i Equsana Arena i udstillingshallen M i MCH Herning, Danmark. Stald og opvarmning i udstillingshallen Q fra 20. – 23. marts 2025.


Stallions and future stars!!

Stallions and future stars!!

Do you have a beautiful stallion or a promising youngster you want to present to all the spectators at Icehorse Festival? Then mark your calendar on February 10th, when we open for registration. More information: Young Stars Stallions

Riders registration now on 16th of January

Riders registration now on 16th of January

Dear riders, we are so sorry for the inconvenience but due to technical issues on the registration platform, that need to be fixed, we have to postpone the registration for 24 hours. Then hopefully all will go smoothly tomorrow. Sport A will open 18.00...

Ten days to registration

Ten days to registration

Do you want to ride at Icehorse Festival? Then be ready on January 15th at 6pm for the sport A classes and 8pm for the sport B classes. Remember the tests fill up quickly, so it is good to register right away to get yourself a spot. You can find all the information on...

Save until the end of the year

Save until the end of the year

With the early bird discount you can save 10% when buying your tickets, so remember to save yourself a seat until the end of the year! You can get your ticket at

Riders, are you ready?

Riders, are you ready?

Do you want to ride at Icehorse Festival 2025? Then be ready on January 15th to register! You can find all information on and remember there might be a chance you qualify for preregistration depending on your placement on the WR or DR list and if you are...

The ticketsale is on

The ticketsale is on

Get your ticket for Icehorse Festival 2025 NOW! Until the end of the year you can save 10% on your tickets for Icehorse Festival 2025. So hop on over to and safe yourself the best seats! Get your ticket

Alt dette, og meget mere…

Bliv underholdt – og bliv klogere

Et sandt overflødighedshorn af clinics, foredrag, shows og meget, meget mere.

Kæmpe messeområde

Shop til you drop! Gigantisk udstillerområde med alt, hvad en islandsheste-entusiast kan ønske sig.

Ekvipager fra hele Europa

World Ranking-stævne med både A- og B-klasser under de allerbedste forhold i EqusanaArena.

Tusind tak til vores hovedsponsor

Tusind tak til vores sponsorer