Fire dages fest for den islandske hest!
ICEHORSE FESTIVAL er det største indendørs WRL-stævne for islandsheste i verden. Mere end 280 ryttere vil konkurrere i både sport A og sport B klasser i de 4 dage af fejringen af den islandske hest i Messecenter Herning, Danmark. I det gigantiske udstillings område finder du et stort udvalg af udstillere og alle former for udstyr til din hest og dig. Du vil blive underholdt af forskellige show og Futurity klasserne for unge talenter. Du får en masse ny viden med DI Talks, som er også inkluderet i biletten. Det er en weekend fuld af spænding, store oplevelser, inspiration, shopping og heste, heste, heste – så kom og nyd hvert sekund!
- Mere end 250 islandske heste!
- Internationale ryttere
- Sport A-og B-klasser
- Shopping, shopping, shopping
- Underholdning
- Futurity klasser for unge talenter
- Interessante foredrag – DI Talks
Festivalen finder sted i Equsana Arena i udstillingshallen M i MCH Herning, Danmark. Stald og opvarmning i udstillingshallen Q fra 20. – 23. marts 2025.
The ticketsale is on
Get your ticket for Icehorse Festival 2025 NOW! Until the end of the year you can save 10% on your tickets for Icehorse Festival 2025. So hop on over to and safe yourself the best seats! Get your ticket
Brogaarden T1 A final
What a test, what a day - what a weekend! We just witnessed an amazing and nail-biting T1 final here in Herning! This was rewarded with marks up to 8,5, and left the audience speechless! Let's congratulate the last winners of the Brogaarden T1: Rasmus Møller...
Results of Equsana F1 A final
The spectators could see a spectacular presentation of the riders! And a married couple made it to this final together, let’s hope for a quiet drive home 😉 Winner of this class is Nils-Christian and Gustur 🎉🥇 The riders ranked as following 🏆🏆 Nils-Christian Larsen and...
Topreiter F2 A final
THE WINNER OF TOP REITER F2 IS … The Topreiter fivegait F2 has just ended, and we had an amazing show! Agnete and Sæmi ran off with the number 1 position, the rest placed as following: Agnete Præstholm Schneider and Sæmi fra Langtved with 6.38 Nils-Christian...
Dansk Hesteforsikring T2 A final
Another great final is over! Thanks to all participants of the T2 A-final presented by Dansk Hesteforsikring We saw a lot of great loose rein tølt but in the end Christina and Nóri won this test with 7.83 🥳🌟 The riders placed as following: Christina Løwe...
Rytterstuen V2 A final
With the Rytterstuen Rideudstyr V2 A final finished, this concludes the last of the fourgait test at this years Icehorse Festival. The new Icehorse Champion in V2 is Filippa Montan and Haukur fra Slippen with 6.43 It was great to see your performance! Filippa...
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Bliv underholdt – og bliv klogere
Et sandt overflødighedshorn af clinics, foredrag, shows og meget, meget mere.
Kæmpe messeområde
Shop til you drop! Gigantisk udstillerområde med alt, hvad en islandsheste-entusiast kan ønske sig.
Ekvipager fra hele Europa
World Ranking-stævne med både A- og B-klasser under de allerbedste forhold i EqusanaArena.